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Importance of Voting

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Democracy only works when citizens vote.

Democracy is fundamentally built on the principle that every citizen has a voice in how their country is run. Voting is not just a right—it's a cornerstone of democratic governance. It allows individuals to have a say in choosing leaders, shaping policies, and influencing decisions that impact their lives and their communities. When citizens vote, they contribute to a system that reflects the diverse needs and desires of the population.

Voting is the foundation of democracy.

Young people, in particular, are crucial to the democratic process. As the population of young voters grows, their collective voice becomes increasingly influential. Voting gives young people a direct role in shaping policies that address their unique concerns, such as education, job opportunities, and, importantly, climate change. Their fresh perspectives and innovative ideas drive progress and reform. As this demographic continues to grow, its turnout becomes vital to ensuring that these issues are prioritized and addressed.

Voting ensures young voices are heard.

Voting also plays a critical role in driving policy change. When young people engage in voting, they help to counteract systemic imbalances and ensure that newer generations' perspectives are included in decision-making. For example, youth organizing and civic engagement outside of elections was a major contributor to passing Michigan's recent Clean Energy Future Plan. This participation reflects evolving cultural values and can lead to significant changes in policy and governance. Higher turnout among young voters makes our democracy more representative and responsive.

Voting is a driver of policy change.

In addition to influencing policies directly, voting empowers citizens to hold elected officials accountable. It creates a feedback loop where leaders are incentivized to address the concerns of their constituents, knowing that their support or opposition can be swayed at the ballot box. By voting, you not only help to elect leaders who align with your values but also help to ensure that those leaders remain accountable to the public they serve.

Voting can hold leaders accountable.

Voting is not just an act; it's a powerful tool for shaping our future. It embodies your rights and responsibilities as a citizen, ensuring that your voice contributes to a democracy that is responsive and reflective of its people. By participating in elections, you drive change, influence policy, and hold leaders accountable. In Michigan, where nearly two thirds of registered voters consider climate change a critical issue (Yale Climate Communications), your vote can push for policies that protect our environment and secure a sustainable future. Every vote matters in making sure that our democracy works for everyone and addresses the pressing issues of our time.

Your vote is your power to shape the future.


The Power of a Single Vote

Your vote might seem like a drop in the ocean, but in Michigan—a key swing state—it can make waves. Swing states like Michigan are crucial in determining the outcome of presidential elections, where even a small shift in votes can change the entire direction of the country. In the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump won Michigan by just 10,704 votes (or just over half of WMU's student population) out of more than 4.5 million cast—a margin of only 0.23% that proved decisive in securing his victory in the Electoral College (Your Vote Matters)​ 

​As we approach the November 5th general election, remember that Michigan's results will have a direct influence on the national stage. Whether it's electing leaders who will prioritize climate action or ensuring that Michigan remains pivotal in deciding the presidential election, every single vote matters. Voting is not just about fulfilling your civic duty; it's about shaping the future of both your state and your country.

What's at Stake


​Voting is more than a fundamental right; it’s our power to shape the future of our communities and our country, and this election is a turning point. The issues at hand are urgent, and the choices we make will have far-reaching consequences. Below are some of the high-priority issues on young voters minds, all of which hang in the balance in the coming election.

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Climate Action

The climate crisis is escalating, and the next president will play a pivotal role in shaping our response. With record heatwaves and severe flooding becoming increasingly common, the urgency for robust climate policies has never been more pressing. This election will determine whether we make significant strides in clean energy or face worsening environmental disasters. Your vote will influence how effectively we address climate challenges and invest in sustainable solutions.


Foreign Policy

The future of U.S. foreign policy in the Israel-Palestine conflict is on the line. The next president will play a pivotal role in shaping America's approach to achieving a ceasefire and pursuing justice for Palestinians. U.S. diplomatic strategies, which are determined by the President and their affiliated party, will impact arms deals, divestment, humanitarian aid, peace negotiations, and support for a fair resolution to the conflict. Your vote will influence whether the U.S. advocates for genuine peace efforts and human rights in the region, or allows genocide to continue.


Reproductive Health

Reproductive health care is hanging in the balance this election. The next president will impact critical policies on reproductive rights and life-saving medical services. According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, the next president will affect not only federal regulations, which trickle down to state-wide laws and bans, but also judicial appointments that shape access to essential health services. Your vote is essential for ensuring that women's health remains a priority.

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Local Climate Initiatives

​Local climate efforts depend on national support, and this election will be crucial. Projects like Kalamazoo’s Clean Energy Initiative, which aims to cut carbon emissions significantly, require strong federal backing. The president's stance on climate policy will impact the level of support for local sustainability projects and environmental strategies. Strong national leadership can amplify local progress, driving the implementation of effective climate solutions. Your vote will influence whether these critical initiatives receive the funding and support they need to succeed.



Education is at a crossroads, and the presidential election will determine the future of our schools. Federal policies issued by the next administration will shape the allocation of education funding, student loan relief, and support for public schools. Equally important is the commitment to climate education, which will empower future generations to address environmental challenges. Your vote will directly influence the quality of education and accessibility of climate information.


Civil Rights

Civil rights will be profoundly shaped by the next president. The administration’s stance on issues such as voting rights, anti-discrimination laws, and social justice will determine the progress we make in ensuring equal rights for all. This election will influence whether we strengthen protections against discrimination, uphold fundamental freedoms, and appoint justices that promote equality or face setbacks in civil rights advancements. Your vote is essential in shaping a future where every individual’s rights are respected, protected, and upheld.

... and much more.

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Nearly everything is at stake in this election.

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